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Mental Health Assessments

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Psychologist sitting and holding hand of depressed man

The Mental Health Assessment is a clinical evaluation provided by a Psychiatrist, Nurse Practioner, and/or Therapist. It is a process of gathering information to assess patient needs and functioning levels. This helps to determine appropriate services based on the identification of the presenting problem, evaluation of mental status, and formulation of a diagnostic impression.

Counseling & Psychotherapy

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Interpersonal/ family relationships
  • Life role transition
  • Inability to cope
  • Bereavement

What happens after I’ve completed therapy for anxiety and depression?

Once you have finished therapy, you’ll need to keep in mind that anxiety and depressive disorders can recur in the future. Use the tools you learn in therapy to identify the symptoms of these disorders and seek help as soon as they start. You may find it helpful to find a support group to help you overcome anxiety or depression on a day-to-day basis.